Club Information

Park County Youth Cycling is a USA Cycling sanctioned club.  Our club's goal is to get kids on gravel bikes and to teach them safe cycling skills, leadership, and a life-long sport.  100% of the money we raise goes into the program and provides for cyclist insurance, certified coaching, and quality bicycles for each kid.  Riders are required to pay a $150 Club/Kit fee as per the Handbook.   Spare tires, tubes, shoe clips, and nutritional items are provided to all participants.  We ride 3 days per week during the summer and participate in a variety of rides and races. For those who wish to participate, we also offer multi-day rides.   See the Handbook for more information. 

For first-year riders it is mandatory that you attend all sessions in the month of June.  This is necessary for you to build safe skills for riding in a group and riding safely on the highway and dirt roads.  We strongly encourage you not to apply if can not commit the entire month of June.

PCYC Coaches:

Coach Mike Denning 

Coach Greg Eckley 

Coach Chris Guyer 

Coach Jordan Jackson

Coach Nyla Hurley

Coach Sonya Graves

This handbook is required reading for all program participants and their parents.